1. is a class---------
[A] D
[B] A
[C] C
[D] E
[E] None of these
2. Internal auditors should review data system design before they are
[A] Developed
[B] Implemented
[C] Modified
[D] All the above
[E] None of these
3. Artifact based authentication method includes___
[A] Machine readable badges
[B] Electronic smart cards
[C] Both 1 and 2
[D] Vault cards
[E] None of these
4. What is the memory from 1K-640K called?
[A] Extended memory
[B] Normal memory
[C] Low memory
[D] Conventional memory
[E] None of these
5. I n most WANs, the network contains numerous cables or telephone lines,each one connecting a pair of______
[A] Packet
[B] Star topology
[C] Router
[D] Antennas
[E] None of these
6. Which of the following operators in ‘C’ does not associated from the right?
[A] ,
[B] =
[C] +=
[D] ++
[E] None of these
7. Which of the following is a variation of frequency division multiplexing (FDM)?
[A] Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
[B] Pulse Code Multiplexing (PCM)
[C] Wave length Division Multiplexing (WDM)
[D] All the above
[E] None of these
8. Race condition occur in which flip-flop
[A] RS flip-flop
[B] JK flip-flop
[C] D flip-flop
[D] T flip-flop
[E] None of these
9. The expansion of E-R diagram is:
[A] Entity-Relation diagram
[B] Entity-Relative diagram
[C] Entity-Relation diagram
[D] All the above
[E] None of these
10. BNF is a meta-language for
[A] Specifying the syntax of a language
[B] Specifying a context free language
[C] Shell programming
[D] Both 1 and 2
[E] None of these
11. What is the language used by most of the DBM’s for helping their users to access data?
[A] High level language
[B] Query language
[D] 4 GL
[E] None of these
12. An expression_____
[A] Usually evaluates to a numerical value
[B] Indicate state of the program
[C] May be part of statement
[D] Both 1 and 2
[E] None of these
13. HTTP refers to_____
[A] Hyper text transmission protocol
[B] Hyper text transfer protocol
[C] Hyper text tie protocol
[D] Hyper text talent protocol
[E] None of these
14. Which language has recently become the difacto standard for interfacing application programs with relational database system?
[A] Oracle
[C] D base
[D] 4 GL
[E] None of these
15. A program that place programs into main memory and prepares them for execution____
[A] Linker
[B] Assembler
[C] Loader
[D] Absolute entity
[E] None of these
16. Given √ (224)π = (13)π the value of the radix r is
[A] 10
[B] 8
[C] 6
[D] 5
[E] None of these
17. In a Third Normal Form relation, every …. Attribute is non-transitively and fully dependent on the every candidate key Z
[A] Prime
[B] Non-prime
[C] Unique
[D] Network
[E] None of these
18. Sockets are used in
[A] Physical layer
[B] Data link layer
[C] Network layer
[D] Transport layer
[E] None of these
19. A generalization of the Boyce Code Normal Form to relation schemes which includes the multi valued dependencies is called—
[A] Second normal form
[B] Third normal form
[C] Fourth normal form
[D] Fifth normal form
[E] None of these
20. The metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) is a ……….transistor that depends on the flow of only one type of carrier, which may be electrons or holes?
[A] Unipolar
[B] Bipolar
[C] n-polar
[D] s-polar
[E] None of these
21. Lexical Analyzer transforms an input streams into---
[A] Regular expression
[B] Sequence of tokens
[C] Binary
[D] Symbols
[E] None of these
22. IEEE 802-3
[A] Analog based deterministic
[B] Analog based non deterministic
[C] Digital based deterministic
[D] All the above
[E] None of these
23. Depth first search is
[A] Stack
[B] Queue
[C] Link list
[D] Tree search
[E] None of these
24. If we traverse a binary search tree, in which manner that we get in ascending manner
[A] In order
[B] Preorder
[C] Post order
[D] Graph
[E] None of these
25. Which is the world’s number #1 company for core banking solutions?
[A] Fidelity
[B] Fiserv
[C] Infosys
[D] Oracle
[E] None of these