Tuesday, 19 February 2013

IBPS Specialist IT Officer professional knowledge practice-1

professional knowledge questions for IBPS Specialist IT Officer

1. Which of the following is to be done the auditor while internet banking services audit ?

[A] Tour the server room

[B] The user is not allowed to login after defined repeated failed attempts

[C] Contract clearly states the services that will be provided by the vendor

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



2. ___________ can be one of the approach used to tax online transactions .

[A] Permanent establishment

[B] Residence based

[C] Income based classification

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



3. To stop unauthorized access to the computer systems we should :

[A] Have a trust worthy system administrator

[B] Have a sound encryption policy

[C] Have as good password policy

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



4. An attack on network will not bother to do :

[A] Network Investigation

[B] Network Management

[C] Access Gaining

[D] Escaping

[E] None of these

(Ans):- B


5. Which of the following details do you think should be checked on security breaches?

[A] Authorized access to system resources

[B] Un-authorized access to system

[C] Un-authorized attempts to change security definitions

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



6. The internet is an example of a:

[A] Packet switched network

[B] Cell switched network

[C] Circuit switched network

[D] All of the above

[E] None of the above



7. Which of the following methods are NOT used by kerbaos to establish a secure connection between the client and the target server?


[B] Secret key

[C] Password

[D] Al of these

[E] None of these



8. ____________ is the process of organizing data in tables with the object of elimination redundancy and inconsistent dependency.

[A] Data modeling

[B] Normalization

[C] Data mining

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



9. Which can be used for development for an application?

[A] Data

[B] Human factor

[C] Technology

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



10. The security features of the application should be the time of

[A] Programming phase

[B] Conceptual design

[C] Testing phase

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



11. Which of the following statements is ‘’FALSE’’ pegarding selection of hardware / software?

[A] Budget allocated for application is limited to hardware and software cost.

[B] The application should be easy to use by programming rather than by the end user

[C] The requirement for the application should be decided

[D] All of these are false

[E] None of these



12. A good data base should have

[A] Financial stability of the vendor

[B] Scope for achieves

[C] Provision for data integrity and system integrity

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



13. To check if data that is being entered does not have blanks, we have

[A] A mathematically calculated check digit

[B] Control check to verify if the data is in accordance to pre-determined criteria

[C] Competeness check

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



14. A detective control is used to check if correct numbers are keyed in

[A] Sequence check

[B] Manual check

[C] Check digits

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



15. On August 23,2005, an an accounting clreck prepared an invoice dated August 31,2005, Which control can check this ?

[A] Size check

[B] Hash total

[C] Range check

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



16. Processing control procedures have

[A] Authorization and authentication of users

[B] Access control for online data

[C] Reporting of before and after images

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



17. Which cannot assure data accuracy in an application?

[A] Control total

[B] Limit and reasonableness test

[C] Echo checking

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



18. A computer works faster with


[B] Mouse

[C] Keyboard

[D] All of these

[E] None of these



19. SMTP protocol is used for

[A] Sending email messages between servers

[B] Sits between client server

[C] Transmit news to all clients

[D] All of the above

[E] None of these



20. Which form of job scheduling uses triggers?

[A] Manual scheduling

[B] Distributed scheduling

[C] Mainframe scheduling

[D] Automated scheduling

[E] None of these



Unknown said...

Thanx a lot for Sharing its very helpfullllll :)
Requesting to share more Question for the Preparation of IBPS IT specialist Officer...

vineetha said...

thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

thanx....plz share data baseand networking related question

Abhi said...

can anybody send me networking and security related question to me. My email address abhijit2683@gmail.com

Thanks in advance to u all...

Unknown said...

if any person have material about it officer plz send me


Magnate said...


Unknown said...

sir i am enable to download the paper of IT officer scale I plz mail it to me my id is vipinsaini63@gmail.com

Hasini said...

Sir plz send me study materials for IT officer scale-I to my id vandhu.blossom91@gmail.com

Unknown said...

does anybody have IT SO previous year solved exam paper.plz send me too.. jtshrma@gmail.com

PRAMODH said...

Sir plz send me study materials for IT officer scale-I to my id pramodhroy@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi,Could you please send Professional Knowledge Papers to madhu.avunoori@gmail.com
Any Suggested book...Thanks in advance..:)

Unknown said...

plz send me IT officer scale-1 previous year paper on my mail ck.raut04@gmail.com

Unknown said...

thanks a lot please SHARE more question of professional knowledge......

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